Sandy Wambold

Picture of Sandy Underground, overground, wombling free... 日本語 (Japanese)

Quick links:

Tristan Wambold
Martin Buchholz
Japanese embroidery
Japanese language learning
Link to Ravelry
When she was just a child, she left England for the Wilds...
Born in England, I spent my childhood moving between the United States and England, and becoming a confused mix of two cultures. As an adult, I've lived in Ohio, Massachusetts, and California in the United States and Tsukuba, Japan.

Down in California where the Wombling days are long...
I live in Sunnyvale, California in the technology-crazed area known as Silicon Valley, which has taken over the San Francisco Bay area. But...

Oh, there are many places you can go, my friends, to gather litter every day..
I spent a year in Tsukuba, Japan.

Wombles are organized, work as a team...
I work as a Release Engineer, I used be a UNIX System Administrator. I've worked at a number of places; if you're curious, my resume is available.

A day-off comes so seldom in a Womble's working year, that they like to make the most of them whenever they appear...
Origami - Finally...a good use for junk mail
My origami pages, including origami supply sources, bookcovers, and links to other sites. 

Needlework - Most of my projects are cross-stitch or knitting, but I've been known to try quilting and crochet. I'm focusing on Japanese embroidery, which uses silk and metal threads. I was even lucky enough to take classes when I lived in Tokyo.

E-tegami - I've recently been getting into exchanging e-tegami, or picture postcards. I haven't had time to put pictures of any of them up on my web page, but I do have time to make them. If you'd like to exchange e-tegami with me, please send mail so we can exchange postal addresses. Here's a link to something I sent though: TOMO's e-tegami (look for GUEST 15)

She'd studied books and everything for days or even weeks...

I finished an AA in Japanese at Foothill Community College. I study Japanese for fun -- I've gathered a few useful things for Japanese learners. I also have a BA in Linguistics from Ohio State University (standard graduation picture -- free with every degree).

Wombling through, I'll tune into you, you tune into me. We'll send a message into the night.
I can be reached as


Remember you're a Womble!

Sandy Wambold.